Therapeutic Services
About this Service
During difficult times people may need some help and support to process what is going on in their lives. CDYS realise that children, young people and adults sometimes require a place where they can talk to someone who is impartial to their situation and they are able to analyse and process their own situation with support.
If your feeling down, worried or under pressure about anything or you have a family member that you are concerned needs some help and support, then we can help them get through this difficult time.
Our low cost U18 Counsellor is based in Mallow, Charleville, Fermoy & Mitchelstown area’s.
Please contact Finbarr for further information 086 1841860

Art Therapy
Art therapy provides a safe and confidential space to creatively work through difficult feelings, emotions and life events using art materials and talk.
Our Art Therapist is Karen Meikle is based in Midleton and holds a MA Art Therapy and is a Member of the Irish Association of Creative Arts Therapists (IAACAT).
Contact – Ross: 086 8031291