
About this Service

Youth Ministry gives young people the opportunity to grow in knowledge and to build a relationship with the person of Jesus Christ by understanding his message, and living out the gospel in their own lives and in their world. 

The core process of youth ministry is best described in the Gospel story with Jesus walking along with the disciples on the road to Emmaus.  In today’s society and working with young people, we meet young people in the midst of their questions. In turn, we walk with them and assist and present to them, at best, the fullness of faith.


John Paul II Awards

CDYS supports The Pope John Paul II Award.  This is an Award launched in the Diocese of Cloyne on 31st January 2012.

This Award is designed for 16–18-year-olds and through the Award young people are offered the opportunity to experience that religion is not just for learning but is for living – that it speaks to who we are as a person and how we live out our daily lives and relationships. 

 The Award is non-competitive but is rather based on commitment and is flexible to fit in with the time-constraints so many of our young people already experience.  

When signing up for the Award, the young person commits to spending time in Parish Activities and Social Awareness Activities; therefore, enabling them to become more actively involved in the life of their parish and local community.


Pastoral Work

CDYS Ministry undertakes pastoral work including; 

  • Sacramental preparation support
  • One to one support and support to families
  • School support with bereavement, loss, anxiety etc
  • Youth Parish Council 
  • World Youth Day Recruitment

Contact – Bernadette: 086 8031126