contact us

Email Us

call Us

022 53526


Cloyne Diocesan Youth Services CLG,
Regional Office,
Mallow Community Youth Centre, New Road,
Mallow, Co.Cork, P51XEX9

For further information on how your data is used, how we maintain the security of your data , and your rights to access information we hold on you, see our Privacy Notice.

Complaints & Compliments

Have a complaint or a compliment? Fill out the form here and our team will be in touch to help.

For further information on how your data is used, how we maintain the security of your data , and your rights to access information we hold on you, see our Privacy Notice.

Projects & Contact Information

Mallow YDP

John: 086 609 6875
Emma: 087 927 4770
Linda: 086 601 4036

Feabhas Cobh YDP

Conor: 087 9266977
Sophie: 086 4179332

Charleville / Mitchelstown Mobile YDP

Dan: 086 703 1483
Sinead: 086 703 1482

Midleton / Fermoy YDP

Garry: 086 7031484
Jordyn: 086 703 1485
Claudia: 086 170 1911


Ethan: 086 810 6061


Ethan: 086 810 6061

Macroom Good Lives LTI

Denis: 083 169 9095
Damian: 086 810 6070

East Cork Music Project LTI

Brian: 086 140 9513


Finbarr: 086 184 1860

UBU – Midleton

Ross: 086 803 1291
Tracey: 086 170 1912

UBU Mallow Youth Centre

Reception: 022 53526
Miriam: 086 8031206
Dawn: 085 733 6965
Leah: 087 626 9480

UBU – Mallow The Big Blue Cube 

Reception: 022 21812
Dean: 083 070 2844

UBU – The Hut, Gurranabraher

Reception: 021 439 9862
Joe: 086 827 4863
Nicola: 087 177 2723
Francesca: 087 113 7852 (Cork Creates)

UBU – Fermoy

: 086 8031200
Onozemeya: 086 6096874

UBU – Mitchelstown

Christy: 086 803 1227
Rachel: 083 306 2461

Youth Ministry 

Bernadette: 086 803 1126

Global Youth Work 

Nadia: 086 044 3745
Dean: 083 070 2844

Up Cork 

Nadia: 086 044 3745