Other Projects

Youth Council
The Youth Council is a group of young people who came together to represent the voice of the youth in their area. They meet regularly to influence the direction the youth services take, by giving feedback on what all young people need. Their meetings take place locally and regionally every two months.
CDYS Youth Council are currently involved in Erasmus+ To find out more about this European initiative click on the link.
If you are interested in forming or becoming a member of a youth council to actively work towards change for peers in your community, please contact the local youth worker in your local youth projects.
Rainbows is a dedicated free service for children and young people. The programme supports Children & Young people affected by loss because of bereavement, separation or divorce. The service is available in local communities throughout Ireland. The service is grant aided by Tusla.
CDYS Rainbows
- Has your family changed?
- Has your family suffered loss?
- Do you have children aged between 7-12 years old dealing with loss in their lives?
Bereavement, separation/divorce, can all create a sense of loss and sadness in a young person’s life. It doesn’t need to hurt forever, Rainbows can help.
Rainbows is a national voluntary organisation offering peer support to children who have experienced loss in their lives. Rainbows supports children and young people in their journey through grief, creating a safe, confidential space for them to share their thoughts and feelings with their peers. Through the guidance of trained facilitators allowing children to vocalise their feelings, supporting them in learning to accept the changes in their families and helping the young develop a stronger sense of self-esteem.
Rainbows is a free and confidential service helping parents to help their families.
Contact: Midleton: Ross: 086 8031291

Up Cork
The UP Cork youth project supports and resources gay, lesbian; bisexual and transgender young people aged 15-24 to make informed decisions which positively affect their lives. The project provides one-to-one and group support for young people to allow them to safely engage with confidence building, personal development, peer support and making friends. It also affords young people a space where they can experience inclusion, acceptance, social justice, fun and safety.
What we do: Rapping, Art, Drama, Drugs awareness, Sexual Health awareness, Weekends away, Day trips, graffiti art, choreographed dance, cooking lessons, DVD nights, BBQ evenings, youth café and an awful lot more!
T: 086 0443745
Mind Your Head
Mind Your Head is a mental health and wellbeing programme aimed a young people. The Mind Your Head programme allows young people to take part in various workshops to help them explore and identify different aspects of our wellbeing.
The ‘Mind Your Head’ programme originated from a need recognised by the Youth services in Gurranabraher, where issues around mental health and self-harm had been brought up by young people attending the youth centre. This programme was written and compiled by a youth worker and a community health worker.
This is an opportunity for exploring mental health issues with young people. It is designed specifically for youth workers, youth leaders, peer educators, and others working with young people.
The programme is very much about giving the young people space and time to explore and talk about their concerns and opinions on mental health. It also highlights tools and supports to help them cope and deal with issues that can have a negative effect on their mental health.
T: 086 8274863