LTI (Local Training Initiatives)
About this Service
The Local Training Initiative (LTI) Programme is a community based training course, primarily for unemployed individuals aged between 18-35.
These initiatives are designed to empower, build on personal development and encourage participation and learning. The LTI programme is developed to learners who may require additional support to access and undertake training as part of their agreed pathway to work or further education.
The programme is designed to provide opportunities for learners who are unable to participate in other training for personal, social, and geographic reasons.
CDYS provides programmes in Midleton & Macroom.

CDYS Good Lives Project – Macroom
The Local Training Initiative project in Macroom aims to works with people who are unemployed in the area. The project focuses on the personal development and motivation of participants identifying the opportunity for learners to engage in a range of education modules (QQI Level 3 Major Award Employability Skills), work related activities as well as occupational activities through partnership with a local gym.
The mix of modules and experiences will motivate team work, personal development and the mixture of health-related activities and food science and horticulture will provide a holistic and balanced approach to well-being and health.
Feedback from previous participants has shown that the link between health and fitness, and food and horticulture is one that assists in motivation and engagement. This in turn will allow participants to look towards sport, recreation or leisure industry or the food or services industry. Both industries are well established in Macroom and will provide good work opportunities for learners.
Contact – Karen: 083 1699095

East Cork Music Project – Midleton
The East Cork Music Project is a Music and Arts Education Centre with an innovative and person centred approach. The programme offers a FETAC level 4 award in employment skills. The focus of the programme is to provide an opportunity for participants to progress to a full time training or employment. We do this by:
- Supporting the music and artistic skills in Young people
- Promoting positive mental health and well being
- Providing a safe and non-judgmental space for learning
- Focusing on individual learning styles
- Providing structured pathways to further education or employment.
Contact – Nicole: 086 1409513